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«Hot line on HIV issues »
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F. A. Q.

Superbly illuminating data here, thnkas!

HIV prevention among the youth
The Concept of preventive training in the sphere of HIV prevention at educational establishments
The Concept of preventive training in the sphere of HIV prevention at educational establishments
According to experts from the WHO, it is possible to reduce the scope of HIV epidemic, first of all, if education of people is conducted. Taking into consideration the international experience in response to HIV...
HIV/AIDS prevention among adolescents at educational establishments. Teaching manual for staff at teachers` training establishments
HIV/AIDS prevention among adolescents at educational establishments. Teaching manual for staff at teachers` training establishments
Very detailed information is given on historical, epidemiological and clinical peculiarities of HIV/AIDS; the main modes of transmission: through injecting, sex and from mother-to-child. There are recommendations on...
The analysis of educational programs to use in the sphere of HIV prevention in Russia
The analysis of educational programs to use in the sphere of HIV prevention in Russia
This analytical survey is based on the materials of the International Seminar “Challenges of the XXU century. HIV prevention in programs aimed at children and the youth” which was held on July 5, 2004, under the...
UNESCO Strategy on education and prevention in the sphere of HIV/AIDS
UNESCO Strategy on education and prevention in the sphere of HIV/AIDS
This is a Russian-language version of the UNESCO Strategy on Education in the sphere of HIV/AIDS. The life time of this Strategy to be used is from 2004 till 2008, however, if necessary, the strategy will be reviewed...
HIV/AIDS Prevention by means of educational process and information dissemination
HIV/AIDS Prevention by means of educational process and information dissemination
This is a collection of materials presented at the International Seminar “Challenges of the XXI century. HIV prevention within the frames of educational programs among children and the youth”, which was held on July...
Collection HIV/AIDS and Human Rights: young people take action
Collection HIV/AIDS and Human Rights: young people take action
This Collection contains ideas on how to conduct a youth public outreach to promote human rights in the context of HIV/AIDS. It was compiled in close cooperation with young people from various youth organizations, in...
Cultural Aspects of prevention activities and response to HIV epidemic in Russia
Cultural Aspects of prevention activities and response to HIV epidemic in Russia
This report was developed within the frames of a joint project UNESCO/UNAIDS in 2002-2003. The goal of the report is to provide all-round analysis of the situation with the spread of HIV epidemic in Russia, to assess...
Manual on providing complex help to neglected children and street urchins of 18 y.o. and younger. Annexes.
Manual on providing complex help to neglected children and street urchins of 18 y.o. and younger. Annexes.
In the Annexes the following materials are presented: Regulation Acts on the issue of protection of children’s rights; Federal Law ¹ 120 - FL “ About basics of the system of prevention of children becoming neglected...
pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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Review of the situation in HIV among women and children in the territories of the Russian Federation where the survey was conducted (Sverdlovsk...

December 1 - World AIDS Day

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