tel.: +7 (3952) 43-67-57
Irkutsk city, 2-nd Zheleznodorozhnaya st., 9
Русский / English
Ступени Ваше участие Социальное бюро Школа пациента
«Hot line on HIV issues »
«Hot line on rehabilitation issues »
F. A. Q.

Superbly illuminating data here, thnkas!


Information-counseling center “Steps”:
Irkutsk, 2nd floor, #9, 2nd Zheleznodorozhnaya

Family Center “Rainbow – Flower”:
Irkutsk, 27, Obraztsova str. (Children’s polyclinic №8)
Telephone of “Hot Line on HIV/AIDS questions”: 43-67-57 
Managers’ telephone: 43-67-57


Counseling by a psychologist:
(Individual, family and crisis counseling):
• Assistance in condition of stress, depression, increased anxiety, nervousness, difficult relations with close people, fear to announce diagnosis, assistance in living with diagnosis, how to become calmer, how to manage problems etc.

Counseling by psychologist
Peer support group for pregnant women

• Information on possibility to deliver a lusty baby
• Assistance in getting over one’s fear during pregnancy and childbirth, training on breathing and reducing pain during childbirth.
• Providing information on baby’s development, bonding with a baby before and after childbirth.
• Developing skills of emotional state management.
• Group classes, aimed at practical breath exercises, self regulation, massage etc.
• Physical and psychological preparedness for school.

Counseling by children’s psychologist
(Counseling of a child, parents, guardians):
• Assistance in anxiety linked with psycho emotional child’s development.
• Classes with children with delayed development.
• Information on development and child’s development.
• Skills to make relation between parents and a child.
• Assistance in difficult situations (restless, problem child, reserved or too active child).
• Assistance in preparedness for school.
Individual and family classes on children and family questions, individual correction classes with children (working with fears, caprices, aggressive behavior, hyper dynamic syndrome).

Counseling by peer counselor
(Counseling of PLHIV, their family members, friends, relatives and acquaintances):
Possibility to be advised by a “peer” person, who is “inside the problem”, managed problems and crisis situations connected with disease and can provide assistance and support. PLHIV will trust this experience.
• Individual and family classes on different questions concerning living with HIV.

Counseling by pediatrician
(PLHIV, pregnant women counseling on questions concerning delivery of a healthy baby, baby health and development care):
• Overcoming of anxiety concerning HIV transmission from mother-to-child, state of ones and baby’s health.
• Information on modes of HIV prevention from mother-to child, on adequate treatment, nutrition, screening, care for baby etc.
Individual and family counseling, group classes on medical and dispensary questions.

Counseling by lawyer
(Counseling of PLHIV, their family members on their rights and duties):
• Counseling in the cases of patient-client’s law violation.
• Information on legal questions, on registration for allowances, employment, housing questions).
• Assistance in processing judiciary papers etc.
Individual, group, family counseling, counseling by the Hot Line.

Counseling by speech therapist
(Working with children born to HIV-positive mothers, aged of 3 years and older, counseling of parents and guardians on psycho emotional questions of child development):
• Developing right child speech, count teaching, developing fine motor skills.
• Sounds’ perfection.
• Complex preparedness for school.
Individual, group and family counseling.

Early Development School for children from 1.5 – 7 y.o.
• Articulate motor function’s development.
• Preparedness of vocal apparatus for right pronunciation.
• Fine motor skills’ development.
• Speech development (linked speech)
• Sensor development
• Count education
• Development of all psychic processes (attention, memory, thinking, imagination etc.)
• Correction of defects in sounds’ pronunciation.
• Complex preparedness for school
Individual program for every child

Peer support group for PLHIV
Communication, discussion of difficult life situations, providing with new information on HIV question and its discussion, different events, actions, meetings, correspondence etc.

Social worker (assistance in employment, registering for disablement status allowance, for pensioner allowance, registering a child in kindergarten, assistance in baby formula receiving, assistance in registering for guardians).
• Visiting nurse (visiting a child at home, counseling parents by questions of baby nutrition, care for baby etc.)
Palliative nurse caring after HIV-positive people:
-visits clients at home
-examines clients health
-follow doctor’s prescription
-if required – organizes testing at home or clients’ transportationat medical institution, counseling by specialists
-render counseling and social aid to family members in the framework of her possibility
-collaborates to another assistance to client: medical, juridical, psychological, home, social

• Additional baby formula for babies, born to HIV-positive mothers, from their birth till 6 months, if required till 9 months.
• Informational trainings on HIV-infection questions. Training “Knowledge means living!” a psychologist composes groups and teaches.
• Literature on questions of HIV-infection, electronic library.
(coordinator on information activity)

You can register to ICC “Steps” and Family Center specialists’ schedule by the phone of the Hot Line 38-25-75, or visiting Centers at working hours:
ICC “Steps”:
• Monday-Friday - 9:00 - 18:00,
• Saturday – 10:00 - 14:00
Family Center “Rainbow Flower”:
• Saturday – 10:00 - 14:00 – group classes with children
• Monday - Thursday - 10:00 - 14:00 – individual classes with children, parents or guardians (beforehand registration) 

World Health Organization – HIV/AIDS Program (2006-04) Expanding Services in the sphere of healthcare in response to the epidemic of HIV/AIDS. The...

December 1 - World AIDS Day

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